JudaHamila Photo

Juda Hamila

Software Engineering Student

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Software Engineering. I am seeking new opportunities, internships and jobs to push me further and help me in my career. Being a software engineering student, I’m learning many interesting tools and methods to help me forward; such as the Design Patterns, Software Architecture, Data Structures, Algorithms and their complexity, Advanced Compilation, Image Processing, Distributed Computing, Verification and Tests v&v, Data Analysis and more. Very passionate about my studies, I want to shape my knowledge and create. Coding is like speaking to a machine and communicating your desires and needs into making a software, designing a website or developing a mobile application. my interests are: Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, data mining techniques, information retrieval and Big Data, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Cryptography, Program Analysis, Cloud and Mobile Computing... In the future, I am willing to make researches and work on applied computer science; fascinating how fast its evolution is! Actually I am also trying to learn more about embedded systems. Passionate about technology, entrepreneurship and innovation . I am also a very active and sociable kind of person. Always eager to learn and I like challenging projects.

I can't master anything that's changing so quickly, I can only be a student. - Brian Solis


  • September 2017 - Present

    Web develoment

    Primarily working with .NET. But, also nvolved in some side project in Symfony 2.8 and Mobile applications in Android.
    [ C#, .NET - EntityFramework 6 - MVC5 - SQL - … ]

  • March 2017 - present

    Internship in Web and Web Development ( Angular - ionic )

    internship for my end of studies project for Master’s Degree (Software Engineering) Subject: Data Mashup of interests for user ...

    [ AngularJs – Web service - Data Mashup - RSS - Flipboard - ionic - … ]

  • July 2016 - August 2016

    Internship in Mobile and Web Development (Android - CodeIgniter)

    a summer internship, at the Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas (STEG). Subject: applications for management of different ressources of the company.
    [ Android – Java - Web service - MySql - php – CodeIgniter - … ]

  • November 2015

    Freelance Mobile Developer

    Worked on a Flipboard-like App on Android for a French Company.

  • October 2014 - February 2015

    Internship in Marketing and Community management

    Marketing and SEO at a web development company Digitika Monastir.

  • February 2013 - June 2013

    Internship Mobile Android Development

    for Bachelor’s graduation studies, in a company for web and mobile development (Nearshore IT Solutions) Subject: an Android Poll application, destined to clients of different companies to rate their products or/and services.
    [ Android – Java - Datamining - Web service - MySql - php – MVC… ]

  • June 2012 - August 2012

    Summer training course in an Accounts Office.

    Subject: a commercial application .NET Framework, with C# language. Desktop applications for the different managers and another Web Application ASP.NET for the customers (order products, contact the distributor, pay online…).
    [ C# - ASP - xml - SQL – MCV4… ]




The List

List of Projects Completed and in Progress ..

.NET applications


Mobile Android Applications

Java, Android ..

JAVA/J2EE applications


Web Development

Symphony 2, ASP.NET

Language Skills

Arabic : Native fluency
French : Very Good
English : Very Good (TOEIC with 950 points)
Italian : Good
German : Good
Spanish : Beginner .

Computer Skills

Java, C#, vb.NET, ASP.NET, PHP, Html5, javascript, Android? C/ C++, CPPUNIT...,
Oracle 9, MySQL Workbensh, Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
MS Access, SQL Oracle, MySql, PL/SQL.. Design Methodology & Modeling Languages: Merise (relational), UML 2.0 (object) , Adobe Illustrator CS6, PhotoshopCS6


Besides of studying I am a very active person, actually I am the chairwoman of the tech clubs and Microsoft club in my university and a MSP (a Microsoft Student Partner) as well. I helped oprganize national events such as the RoboComp'12, and WOWZap (Microsoft). I also like attending events, coding parties, talks, conferences and summits whenever it's possible. I always try to learn new things and challenge myself.
I like helping in volonteering and social work. I participated in the Youth Council in my region where I wrote articles for the guide book’s project in French and translated some from English and Arabic, and I've also helped in field research. I had the chance to work with foreign volunteers from different countries and cultures; such as Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany… It was a truly rewarding experience that boosted my communication skills, leadership qualities and confidence.
I am also part of the YaLa Citizen Journalism and an ambassador for the Milkey Way Movement in my country. I love reading especially classic french litteratures: Stendhal, Camus, Zola, Baudelaire, Balzac, Loti, Saint-Exupéry, Proust etc... I like hiking and camping. I also love classic cinema. And I play video games in my spare time.

The mind is everything. What you think you become. – Buddha

Contact Me !
